10 Essential Tasks You Can Do In A Weekend To Prepare For Colder Weather
9/19/2018 (Permalink)

It’s that time of year when things begin to cool down and all the activities of summer are wrapping up. Take the time to do these simple chores now, so you can relax and enjoy the cooler seasons.
- Clean your gutters – You know, you were going to do it this spring, but it was just too nice outside for chores. Well now’s the time to get those leaves cleaned out to prevent leaks and gutter deterioration. Hey, while you’re up there, take a look around on the roof. Check for missing or damaged shingles which can allow heat to escape, and water to seep in.
- Inspect and clean the furnace – Cleaning your furnace will ensure it’s running at optimal performance in the cold winter months. Be sure to inspect wiring and other moving parts for wear or damage.
- Inspect duct work – When it finally cools off a little, slip under the house or in your attic and check out the ducts. Clean and intact ducts will keep that warm air flowing throughout your home, and without those pesky bugs and viruses.
- Light up the early dark – Replace bulbs in your outside light fixtures, or install new, solar powered lights to help prevent accidents when you’re getting home after dark.
- Check for leaks – Check doors, window sills, and any other drafty areas that may allow your nice warm air to escape to the outside world. Caulk where you can, and throw a draft stopper under your exterior doors.
- Put your ceiling fans in reverse – Most ceiling fans have a switch for this. Switch to a clockwise rotation to push warm air down.
- Inspect and clean the chimney – Clean the soot and smoke from the chimney and check for cracks, gaps or other problems (birds’ nest, etc.). Check the flue for proper function.
- Change your air return filters and smoke or carbon monoxide detector batteries - Clean filters allows better air flow throughout your home so your furnace or central unit won’t have to work as hard.
- Inspect and insulate your pipes – Check for leaks, cracks or weak spots in your plumbing. Freezing temperatures can cause big problems for weak or cracked pipes. Go ahead and throw some insulation around them. You don’t want to be crawling around fixing leaks in those freezing temperatures.
- Let the sunshine in – open your curtains or blinds in the daytime to allow that warm sunshine to help warm your home, but be sure to close them at night to keep the cool night air from seeping in.